Ideate-Prototype-Realize (IPR) is an individual project that all MIbD students have to undergo as a graduation requirement, which is spread over 3 terms (1 year). Students can decide on the topic of the project, and work closely with their advisers throughout the entire year to develop their projects in 3 phases, ideate, prototype, and lastly realize. Students can also choose for their IPR topic to be the same as their thesis, which allows them more time and guidance towards the completion of their thesis.
Monthly get-together sessions are organized for MIbD students to come together and share on the topic and progress of the project, using only 1 powerpoint slide. Advisers of MIbD students do join in the get-together sessions to provide feedback on how the projects can be improved.
You may click on the individual thumbnails to view each poster.
2020 MIbD Student’s IPR Posters:
2019 MIbD Student’s IPR Posters: